High Quality Real Estate Listing Photos

Your pictures are the most basic yet undervalued form of real estate marketing. Time to step them up!

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The Details

Messner Media has a collective 15 years of extensive photography experience behind it. Here's what that means for you

We shoot all of our images in a style called HDR Photography. Never heard of it? We have a whole article about what it means for you. To keep things simple, we take multiple images of the same scene, then blend them into one final image; the one that you and the rest of the world will see

The variance in exposures is what allows us to pull light through the windows, allowing those beautiful Montana views into the frame - but it also means we can add light to areas otherwise unseen due to too many shadows. The result of HDR photography is a polished, professional look that is sure to get buyers in Bozeman, Big Sky, and the rest of Montana interested

We also won't be sitting on the sidelines if we see something that can help the look of your clients' property. Before we shoot, we first walk through the house ensuring windows are open, lights are on, and rooms are clean. No stressing over fallen pillows, dirty sinks, or unmade beds

We shoot a combination of wide angle images to showcase rooms as a whole, but also tighter and zoomed in shots that highlight noteworthy details that may have appeal

With a background in landscapes and wildlife, we began this career already armed with knowing what makes a good photo. Now you can benefit from the years of experience behind the lens; as our sole purpose is to keep buyers interested in your listings

Long story short, we wouldn't be here if we couldn't offer agents just like you any benefit. And trust us, we want to show you

Book us for your next shoot and receive 20% off your very first order. We're here for the long run, let us show you the difference